
A New Year-A new ?

Everyone posts about what they hope to achieve for the new year. They make resolutions that, lets be honest, most of us end up forgetting about. This year I'm not going to make lofty goals, or a naive attempt to spend the year bettering myself in a way that is unattainable. No, this year I'm going to be ME! I'm going to be the best me I'm capable of being. Allow God to work through me, to guide me to where He wants me. I will work hard, Love harder, and just be ME.

I'm not saying goals aren't a good thing. I believe that something inside of us tells us to make goals. To achieve new things, but I do think that often times, its not the quiet voice inside us dictating those goals. Its our surroundings, peer pressure, or culture. Stop and listen to what it is that steers you. For me that would be God. The quieter I am the easier it is to hear HIM. To hear HIM tell my story. To narrate what's to come. A new year...A new _______________________________________-

What will your new be? Where will your new chapter take you? Where will your narrator take you?

Hugs and Happy New Years.


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